Accepted Undergraduates

Congratulations, Future Golden Knight

We are excited to see what you'll achieve. In order to finalize your enrollment at Clarkson University, here are the next steps incoming undergraduate students need to take.


对即将入学的本科生下一步该做什么有疑问吗? Direct your inquiries to the Office of Undergraduate 招生, or reach out to your admissions counselor.

Office of Undergraduate 招生

电话: 315-268-6480 


为了确保你在2028届的入学资格,你需要支付500美元的押金(可以通过付款方式支付). 如果您申请的是定期决定,那么2024年的存款截止日期是5月15日. If you applied for early decision, 押金在收到你的经济援助offer后两周内到期. The deposit is credited toward the first semester's tuition.

We understand that this is an important decision. If you need additional time, please contact your admissions counselor. Please note that the deposit is non-refundable.



Create a Student Account

Once you have been accepted, you need to create a PeopleSoft account. 你在esball国际平台客户端剩下的时间里,这个账号就是你的网络中心. You will find additional checklist items, your financial aid activity, 课程信息(一年级学生在第一学期被分配他们的时间表)和住房信息.

You'll also complete a questionnaire, which asks you what advanced classes you have taken (APs, 大学, 等.), so that the registrar can make your first-semester schedule. After completing the questionnaire, 你可以把你的官方AP成绩或大学成绩单寄到注册办公室.


Office of the Registrar

Once you are accepted, 您将被要求在6月15日之前完成课程安排和高级排名问卷(可通过 Application Center). 这是用来帮助注册办公室根据你想学习的专业制定你独特的课程表, admission to special programs (such as Honors), 你在准备情况调查中的表现以及获得的任何先修课程或转学学分. 您将在8月初通过您在PeopleSoft上的MyCU帐户收到您的秋季时间表.

Pre-Orientation Trips

开学前,你有机会在开学前一周结识有相似兴趣的同学. 选择参加预培训的学生可以从当年的各种旅行中选择一种, 包括esball国际平台客户端郊游俱乐部(CUOC)的户外探险, 与esball国际平台客户端学生协会(CUSA)一起学习esball国际平台客户端罗伯特规则的终极飞盘。, 等.

提交 Your Final Transcripts

完成你的入学申请并最终确定你的经济援助, we need an official copy of your final high school transcript. 我们将在整个夏天与您的指导部门密切合作,以确保我们收到它. 如果有延误,请通知你的招生顾问,以便我们跟进.


Choose 住房 and 餐厅 Plans

Clarkson is a four-year residential campus, 这意味着学生在整个本科阶段都住在校园里. 我们有各种各样的选择,从学生宿舍到公寓, which students can select on a yearly basis with their cohorts.

Have any questions? 与宿舍生活办公室联系,电话:(315)268-6642或发送电子邮件至

Living-Learning Communities

During their first year on campus, students will choose one of our Living-Learning Communities, 他们将在哪里与有着相似兴趣或目标的人分享生活空间和经历. 生活学习社区为我们的一年级学生提供了一个路线图,让他们通过参加活动来结识其他同学, partaking in activities and having student, faculty and staff leaders help them feel at home on our campus. 我们建议访问我们的住宿生活网页,了解更多esball国际平台客户端我们的生活学习社区, 学生宿舍, what to bring or not to bring and more!


初夏时节, you will have a 住房调查 added to your Clarkson Portal, 在那里,你将要求你的前三个生活学习社区,并完成一个快速的室友调查. This helps us match you with a roommate who seems like a good fit. You can also request a specific roommate if you know them already.

Meal Plan Selection

Meal plan selection will also be on your Portal To-Do list. 您将收到我们的六个校园餐饮计划和许多校园餐饮地点的信息. 在你到达校园之前,校园团队也可以与你一起满足你的特殊饮食需求. 住在校园非公寓的学生必须参加完整的住宿膳食计划.


Students who may need academic, 由于医疗或神经多样性需求的住房或餐饮住宿应与无障碍服务办公室联系.

Get Ready to Move In

迎新和入住周将于8月18日至8月26日举行. Your move-in date will depend on the dorm to which you're assigned, 你所在的学校或项目,以及你是一年级学生还是转学生. 除了搬进你的宿舍和认识你的新同学, Orientation includes events like the Student Resource Fair, the Club and Organization 活动 Fair, Glowfest, 库萨狂欢节, 喜剧魔术表演和毕业典礼游行欢迎你来到我们的社区.


Orientation and Move-In Week

esball国际平台客户端社区致力于帮助学生感受到我们的校园是他们的家外之家. 虽然你不能改变你的空间的物理结构(粉刷墙壁), adding drilled shelves, 等.), we encourage you to bring photos, mementos from home, 地毯, 大号床上用品, pillows and blankets for that cozy feel. You can also check out some great ideas for "宿舍黑客还有一些 tips for decorating.

在温暖的秋天和夏天,你应该考虑带一把个人风扇, 台灯, 耳机, general school supplies and personal toiletries. Almost all of our first-year students will have a roommate. 你们可以一起组织好谁来带冰箱、电视、微波炉等等. 这是一个帮助你和新室友建立生活期望的好方法. You can view the comprehensive list of what to bring/not bring at 居住生活. Photos of campus rooms can be found here, as well.

而选择一台合适的笔记本电脑则是个人决定, we do have a few recommendations to help guide you in the process. 这些最低要求将有助于确保你的笔记本电脑将为你在esball国际平台客户端的四年提供良好的服务.

Minimum Computer Specifications

Find Your 招生 Counselor